> >The fees are not charged for past services that were
> >received for free, only for future services.
> So you are saying that legacy space holder who signed a memberhsip
> agreement would not owe the usual yearly fee associated with their
> legacy space holdings but only those fees associated with any
> future address space allocations/assignments? 

Of course they would pay the normal membership fee.
In ARIN, this fee is roughly related to the size of the
address space holding, but only roughly. It is a flat
fee for the annual membership subscription and it covers
all the whois listings, changes to whois entries,
in-addr.arpa hosting, ip6.arpa hosting, and new address 
allocations for the whole year. 

The fee is not directly related to the address holding,
i.e. ARIN members do not pay a fee for the addresses
which are allocated to them. The subscription fee is
higher for larger allocations because larger organizations
use more services more often. The holder of a class C only
pays $1250 per year which seems a reasonable business 
expense for supporting the RIRs. And the holder of a
class B would pay only $9,000 and a class A holder would
pay the maximum rate of $18,000.

It's hard to imagine an organization who can afford to run
a network using BGP to announce a class C block and not
be able to afford $1250 per year.

--Michael Dillon

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