On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Tony Li wrote:

> > What good is 6Mbit DSL from my ISP (say, SBC for example) if only a
> > small
> > portion of the net (sites that pay for non-degraded access) loads at a
> > reasonable speed and everything else sucks?
> One might argue that in such a situation, the end user is getting
> less value than they
> did previously.  End users might then either demand a price break or
> might vote with
> their connectivity.

the last 2 times this has come up I think there was the suggestion that
given other options at reasonably close to the same end cost users might
switch to alternate access methods. That works as long as there are
alternate access methods, and as long as the telecom's don't 'cabal' and
all do the same hideously bad thing...

I do think it'd be funny for SBC or BS to do this sort of thing and get
massive customer loss when their customers defect to cable modem networks.

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