On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 03:32:02PM -0800, Matt Ghali wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Jan 2006, Elijah Savage wrote:
>   Any validatity to this and if so I am suprised that our team has 
>   got no calls on not be able to get to certain websites.
>   http://webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=477562
> I for one applaud godaddy's response. If more piddling "Hosting 
> Providers" with "Datacenters" got turned off when they started 
> spewing abusive traffic, the net would be a much nicer place.
> Whoever the heck "nectartech" is, I guess they might act a little 
> more responsibly in the future. Or, more probably, they'll just 
> change to another DNS registrar who doesn't care as much about 
> abuse.

FYI, Nectartech is a small hosting shop out of 55 S Market in San Jose. I 
wouldn't describe them as a "datacenter", since I don't think they own or 
operate any facilities. 

Perhaps if they ever managed to find "the command to make two routers talk 
to each other and be redundant" (a real quote from what has been loosely 
described as their network admin, I'm not kidding, you can't make stuff 
like this up :P), their next step might be to find the command to make dns 
servers talk to each other and be redundant.

Reality check time, what we have here is a small hosting shop with a long 
history of shady customers. I doubt GoDaddy nukes nameservers on a whim, 
my money is that there was a lot of abuse which went on for a long time 
without getting any response. Its amazing how quickly some people who 
don't respond or address abuse issues at all when you're asking nicely 
will appear and take care of things once you turn them off. The rest is 
just some random blowhard web hosting customer who gets off on being an 
ass and blaming everyone but himself and his choice in hosting companies. 
Hardly an uncommon sight. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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