On Thu, 11 May 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, 11 May 2006 13:40:22 EDT, Alain Hebert said:
    If we can coral them in it and legislate to have no porn anywhere
else than on .xxx ... should fix the issue for the prudes out there.

The problem is that it's a TLD, not .xxx.us.  What standard of "porn"
do you intend to enforce?  Remember there's places that have Internet
where females are still supposed to keep their faces covered in public.

Besides which, "if we can corral them in it" looks like a very implausible


Absolutly. I don't see how existing sites are ever going to accept
having to move to address in particular domain (and pay 100x extra for
it) or that there is any good way to force such rules across entire globe. That .xxx always seemed to me to be heavily ICANN-politics motivated with benefits primarily to those running new registry. Good that they finally come around to kill this thing. Although the bad thing is that some will make a case that it happened because USG told them to do so and as such push to replace ICANN with something that answers to ITU. Anyway, this is getting way OT for this list...

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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