On 17-Jan-2007, at 21:05, Joseph Jackson wrote:

Proper education for whom, the people setting up the site probably know
this already.  It's the bosses and marketing that don't care about DNS
structure.  Damn it they want mazdausa.com and not usa.mazda.com and
they will have it their way!

At least that's how it is most places I've seen.

Back in the day, pre-CIRA, .CA was managed according to rules which included the restriction that a single company was only allowed one domain name. So, to choose a company at random, General Motors Canada was welcome to GMC.CA but they couldn't also register PONTIAC.CA or GM.CA or GENERALMOTORS.CA.

I think that policy was good for the DNS, but it was apparently widely hated by everybody else, despite the fact that .CA names at that time were free. .CA is no longer managed according to such rules.


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