1. They are not complaints as such. They are what AOL users click report spam on

2. They are sent in a standard format - http://www.mipassoc.org/arf/ -
and if you weed out the obvious (separate forwarding traffic out
through another IP, and ditto for bounce traffic), then you will find
that - for actual ISPs - actual spam reports will far outweigh the
amount of misclicked reports.

3. As I said, its in ARF and that's machine parseable and you can get
stats from it.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 2:11 AM, Geo. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all the
> abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are spams before
> sending off complaints, is it any surprise that everyone else is refusing to
> do their jobs for them?
>  The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being sent to
> them is useless.

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