On Sun, 18 May 2008, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
> Dragos Ruiu wrote:
>> First of all about prevention, I'm not at all sure about this being
>> covered by existing router security planning / BCP.
>> I don't believe most operators reflash their routers periodically, nor
>> check existing images (particularly because the tools for this
>> integrity verification don't even exist). If I'm wrong about this I
>> would love to be corrected with pointers to the tools.
> I have 6 years worth of rancid logs for every time the reported number
> of blocks in use on my flash changes, I imagine others do as well.
> That's hardly the silver bullet however.
> We as I imagine others do expended a fair amount of cycles monitoring
> who it is that our routers are talking to and protecting the integrity
> of the communications channels that they use (bgp, ospf, ssh, tftp etc),
> If a router has a tcp connection to someplace it shouldn't we'll
> probably know about it. If it's announcing a prefix it shouldn't be,
> we'll probably know about it, those are the easy ones though.

I am very happy to hear you do these... very useful and will catch quite a 

> There are some things one might consider adding in terms of auditing,
> comparing the running image more closely to the one in flash for
> example, peroidic checksum of the on onflash image, after downloading to
> another host would be another. I'm not sure that I'd trust the later
> given the rooted box can I suppose hand you an unmodified version of the
> subverted image.

The result from your check can easily be modified, first thing I would 
have changed is the checker. Say you did this from a usb stick--I'd just 
hide the rootkit in memory.

> In the end if you subvert a router, presumably you're doing it for a
> purpose and given what the device does, that purpose is probably
> detectable in a well instrumented network.

Subversion may not be the goal. A router is perfect for faking outgoing 
traffic. This traffic can contain stolen sniffed or relayed  data.

> It is desirable I expect to insure that any locally stored security
> credentials that might be subverted not be usable when connecting to
> another router, that applies in a absence of root kits however.

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