On Wed, 28 May 2008, Dorn Hetzel wrote:

I would think that simply requiring some appropriate amount of irrevocable
funds (wire transfer, etc) for a deposit that will be forfeited in the case
of usage in violation of AUP/contract/etc would be both sufficient and not
excessive for allowing port 25 access, etc.

 Until you find out that the source of those supposedly irrevocable funds
 was stolen or fraudulent, and you have some sort of court subpoena to give
 it back.

 I don't believe there is a way for you to outwit the scammer/spammer by
 making them pay more of their or someone elses money.  If you have what
 they need, they'll find a way to trick you into giving it to them.

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 http://www.angryox.com/

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