On behalf of the NANOG Program Committee and Merit I'm pleased to
announce that an updated Agenda is available and posted at:


We're excited about the quality of the agenda and we hope you are,
too.  I want to thank all of the members of the Program Committee who
worked hard to recruit, review and select the presentations and
tutorials that make up this program.  I also want to thank everyone
who submitted a proposal.  The quality and variety seemed very high
this time around.

Please note that there remain a very small number of slots open for
late-breaking or especially topical presentations, so if the Internet
melts down completely between now and January, feel free to submit a
presentation explaining what happened.

Lighting Talk slots will officially open after the first of the year.

If you have not already registered for the conference and reserved
your hotel room, now is a great time to do that.  See


and in particular


to get started.  Remember that Hotel expenses are fantastically low
this time, with rooms as cheap as $104 and cheap flights are still
available to the SDQ airport.  The overall cost of this NANOG should
be the same or lower as previous ones.  I mention this because I know
that many travel budgets are tight and I hope that this information
might be useful to your management.

I look forward to seeing all of you in Santo Domingo.

Todd Underwood
Chair, NANOG Program Committee

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