On Feb 5, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Joe Abley wrote:

On 5-Feb-2009, at 06:34, Christopher Morrow wrote:

to be fair, there are 3 options for multihoming today in v6 (three
sanctioned by the IETF, not ordered in any order, not including
discussion about goodness/badness/oh-god-no-ness of these)
1) multiple addresses on each device, one per provider
2) shim-6
3) HIP (still in development, as I recall)

4) Obtain PA space and do what you're doing with v4.

5) Obtain PI space and do what you're doing with v4.

(4) is problematic because filtering long prefixes in v6 seems to be more energetic than it is in v4. (5) is problematic if you don't qualify for PI space.

Note, however, that the bar for (5) is VERY low if you are
multi-homed.  I would not be opposed to lowering it even
further, but, there does not at this time seem to be community
consensus to do so.


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