On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 12:02:30 +0200, Warren Kumari said:

> I haven't found the actual work that is being referenced here, and I
> *am* quite skeptical based upon the title / premise -- but, I suspect
> (well, hope) that this is just another instance of complex technical
> material being munged by marketing / reporters into something
> unrecognizable -- note that "This article was originally published by
> the UMass News Office."
> Here is an abstract of one of Yang Song, Arun Venkataramani, Lixin
> Gao's earlier papers:
> "BGP is known to have many security vulnerabilities due to the very
> nature of its underlying assumptions of trust among independently
> operated networks. (....)

I'm fighting *really* hard to try to avoid collapsing that abstract down to
"We realized that malicious actors can force the occurrence of BGP wedgies".

(I've seen far too many proposals in the last 48 hours from people who obviously
never encountered section (4) of RFC1925...)

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