Remember that a CLS serves 2 purposes simultaneously.

1. Convert the wet plant to dry plant and provide 11kv power for ILAs.
2. Act as an OTN node and CO to distribute connectivity into the 

Historically, you put a CLS on the beach itself, and it’s somewhat remote.

Then you backhaul to a dozen COs/CNDCs.

Nowadays however, the CLS is looked at more like an ILA shelter, or when 
feasible cable landings are going directly into metro CNDCs as the physical 
gear is getting smaller and smaller and more suitable for colocation.

There’s still the small matter of 11,000volts of power or more…  That’s usually 
kept out towards the sea.

-Ben Cannon
CEO 6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC <>

> On Nov 4, 2019, at 1:50 PM, Ethan O'Toole <> wrote:
>> hey there,
>> we've put together a blog post about Virginia beach developments and how it 
>> can reshape some of the ways we
>> have been designing our networks.
>> Mehmet
> Ex-757'er (757 = Virginia Beach.)
> Dead area tech wise. Bad job prospects led the geeks to flee the area. Small 
> lights out data centers to support a few undersea cables aren't going to 
> change that. Those cables landing in VaBeach will have their traffic hauled 
> to Northern Virginia -- where all the action is. It will do little to benefit 
> the locals once the build out is done.
>           - Ethan O'Toole

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