On 19/Nov/19 20:38, Blake Hudson wrote:

> Thanks Doug. I'm interested in following your thread because we have
> some IP ranges we intentionally wanted to be classified as static or
> non-residential by other entities so that our customers on these
> ranges could operate their own email servers. This was done through a
> combination of reverse DNS including the word "static" (or similar)
> and the SpamHaus PBL listings (or similar). At the same time, we would
> not want Hulu to stop providing services to these customers due to
> this classification. Ultimately, I guess it's up to Hulu who they want
> to serve as a customer of theirs, but as a network operator providing
> access to to the internet (including access to services like Hulu) I'm
> sure we would be negatively impacted by such a decision on the part of
> Hulu causing to devalue the utility our services.

Dropped Hulu within 2 months of signing up, back in 2016.

If it ain't local, we ain't buyin', and Hulu seem to have little
interest in spreading.


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