----- Forwarded message from Russ Allbery <ea...@eyrie.org> -----

> From: Russ Allbery <ea...@eyrie.org>
> Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2019 20:56:23 -0800
> Subject: Brian Kantor has died
> Slashdot reported, via a contributor from the 44Net amateur radio mailing
> list, that Brian Kantor died suddenly in his home last week.
> https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/11/24/0051236/brian-kantor-internet-and-amprnet-pioneer-wb6cyt-dies
> Brian was the co-inventor of NNTP and the co-author of RFC 977, with Phil
> Lapsley.  I never met him in person, but have had several opportunities to
> chat with him electronically, including as recently as last month (via
> NNTP and netnews newsgroups, of course).  He will be missed.

I never met Brian either, but have "known" him electronically for decades.
His was a voice I always paid attention to, even when I disagreed with
what he had to say.  I'm sorry he's gone, and I'll miss him.


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