On 16/Dec/19 23:49, Randy Bush wrote:

> as i am pretty sure arturo knows all that.  i suspect he was wondering
> if mark is gonna throw irr data in the mix the way chris says google
> will (or does?).  and if so, how?  seems a useful question.

No, we'll be focusing solely on RPKI.

> irr acls scale poorly in routers.

One of the reasons we have been putting all our energy into RPKI since 2014.

>   but mark said customer-facing, which
> could be reasonable depending on the platform.  e.g. ntt uses irr-based
> acls toward customers.

So we have 4 main systems for customer edge termination:

    - MX480's, primarily used in the data centre.
    - ASR1006's, also primarily used in the data centre for non-Ethernet
customers (waning, over time).
    - ASR920's, used in the Metro.
    - MX204's, used in the Metro.


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