On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 11:14 AM Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> wrote:
> William Herrin wrote on 08/06/2020 18:53:
> > 4 gigs and 2 cores is more than sufficient for a 1 gbps router at
> > the current 800k routes
> 1gbps is residential access speed.  Is this still useful in the dfz?

Not really the point. You can get 50-100gbps out of an x86 running
DPDK by throwing more cores at it without appreciably changing the
memory and CPU for the BGP load. My little 4 gig generic Linux VMs
that connect my leaf node to the Internet are the ones I have reliable
information on, so that's what I shared.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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