On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 8:53 AM Dmitry Sherman <dmi...@interhost.net> wrote:
> Can you recommend software or cloud based solution which monitors if a prefix 
> is advertised to a peer (via his Looking Glass for example) & if traffic is 
> passing thru an interface and if one of them is false it announce this prefix 
> via other upstream providers & remove blackholes?


You seem to be looking for external automation to do something that's
baked into BGP. Any particular reason?

* Announce to all upstreams all the time.
* Use prepends on the less-preffered upstreams.
* If the less preferred upstream is localprefing to use your routes
despite the prepend, ask them what BGP community you should set to
disable that behavior.
* If an upstream propagates your route without passing your packets
often enough to need automation, cancel the contract.

I could see value in something local that measures things like packet
loss rates and cuts the primary if they get higher than acceptable,
but that wouldn't be a cloud service because the cloud wouldn't be
reliably reachable when you need to act on that information.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

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