To follow - Siri couldn’t figure out how to add an entry to my calendar today.  
I am yet to be afraid.

Although the google bot that placed a call to book a haircut was impressive.

Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE
6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC 
"The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the 

FCC License KJ6FJJ

Sent from my iPhone via RFC1149.

> On Dec 9, 2020, at 12:16 PM, Mel Beckman <> wrote:
> Miles,
> You realize that “AI” as general artificial intelligence is science fiction, 
> right? There is no general AI, and even ML is not actually learning in the 
> sense that humans or animals learn. “Neural networks”, likewise, have nothing 
> to do at all with the way biological neurons work in cognition (which science 
> doesn’t understand). That’s all mythology, amplified by science fiction and 
> TV fantasies like Star Trek’s character “Data”. It’s just anthropomorphizing 
> technology. 
> We create unnecessary risk when we anthropomorphize technology. The truth is, 
> any kind of automation incurs risk. There is nothing related to intelligence, 
> AI or otherwise. It’s all just automation to varying degrees. ML, for 
> example, simply builds data structures based on prior input, and uses those 
> structures to guide future actions. But that’s not general behavior — it all 
> has to be purpose-designed for specific tasks.
> The Musk-stoked fear that if we build automated systems and then “put them 
> together” in the same network, or whatever, that they will somehow gain new 
> capabilities not originally designed and go on a rampage is just plain silly. 
> Mongering that fear, however, is quite lucrative. It’s up to us, the real 
> technologists, to smack down the fear mongers and tell truth, not hype. 
> Since the academics’  promised general intelligence of AI never materialized, 
> they had to dumb-down their terminology, and came up with “narrow AI”. Or 
> “not AI”, as I prefer to say. But narrow AI is mathematically 
> indistinguishable from any other kind of automation, and it has nothing 
> whatsoever to do with intelligence, which science doesn’t remotely yet 
> understand. It’s all automation, all the time.
> All automated systems require safeguards. If you don’t put safeguards in, 
> things blow up: rockets on launchpads, guns on ships, Ansible on steroids. 
> When things blow up, it’s never because systems unilaterally exploited 
> general intelligence to “hook up” and become self-smarted. It’s because you 
> were stupid.
> For a nice, rational look at why general AI is fiction, and what “narrow AI”, 
> such as ML, can actually do, get Meredith Broussard’s excellent book 
> "Artificial Unintelligence - How computers misunderstand the world". 
> Or if you prefer a video summary, she has a quick talk on YouTube, "ERROR – 
> The Art of Imperfection Conference: The Fragile”:
> At 2:20 into the video, she puts the kibosh on the mythology of general AI.
> -mel
>> On Dec 9, 2020, at 11:07 AM, Miles Fidelman <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> It occurs to me that network & systems admins are the the folks who really 
>> have to worry about AI threats.
>> After watching yet another AI takes over the world show - you know, the 
>> same general theme, AI wipes out humans to preserve its existence - it 
>> occurred to me:
>> Perhaps the real AI threat is "self-healing systems" gone wild. Consider:
>> - automated system management
>> - automated load management
>> - automated resource management - spin up more instances of <whatever> 
>> as necessary
>> - automated threat detection & response
>> - automated vulnerability analysis & response
>> Put them together, and the nightmare scenario is:
>> - machine learning algorithm detects need for more resources
>> - machine learning algorithm makes use of vulnerability analysis library 
>> to find other systems with resources to spare, and starts attaching 
>> those resources
>> - unbounded demand for more resources
>> Kind of what spambots have done to the global email system.
>> "For Homo Sapiens, the telephone bell had tolled."
>> (Dial F for Frankenstein, Arthur C. Clarke)
>> I think I need to start putting whisky in my morning coffee.  And maybe not 
>> thinking 
>> about NOT replacing third shift with AI tools.
>> Miles Fidelman
>> -- 
>> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
>> In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra
>> Theory is when you know everything but nothing works. 
>> Practice is when everything works but no one knows why. 
>> In our lab, theory and practice are combined: 
>> nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

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