On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 2:00 PM Christopher Morrow
<morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> quite possible' :) (you don't normally, but I think the HTTP thing is
> the 'gotcha')

Yeah, it got me. I realized it shortly after sending the email.

> (also, typical geo ip problems :( bummer!)

Yeah, likely still qualifies as Using GeoIP For Customer-Visible
Purposes Is Doomed To Failure. Though with web there could be a number
of alternate explanations. Stale or misinterpreted cookies. Browser
add-ons that proxy requests. Viruses or anti-virus programs that
intercept and proxy requests. The number of squirrelly things that
browsers and web sites do boggles the mind.

Bill Herrin

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