On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 10:56:10AM -0500, Mark Seiden wrote:
> at the risk of providing more heat than light, trump violated the
> Presidential Records Act repeatedly by later taking down (aka destroying)
> his own unwise  tweets. this repeated violation of law using twitter itself
> would have been enough for twitter to either restrict his using any
> mechanism for revision or deletion or even account termination for aup
> violations. i pointed this out to them 3.91 years ago.

First, findings of violation of law are done in courts, not by you.

Second, as specifically regards Twitter: the Library of Congress had
been archiving all tweets since 2010.  And only recently, on 31DEC2017,
moved to archiving "some" tweets.  Official records exist there.
Additionally, the President has two accounts at his disposal and has
demonstrated consistently different behavior between them, i.e. the
@potus account is used for official communications and @realdonaldtrump
for personal communications with the public.  The former is indeed
archived under the PRA.

Third, the standard put forth in your opinion -- both ill informed and
ill conceived -- would also refer to FOIA and the various States' FOI
laws.  If what you allege is true, the singling out of this one official
is disingenuous in the extreme.

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