On 04/12/2021 00:45, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
My favorite youtuber has just pointed out that Bougainville will separate
formally from Papua New Guinea in 2027, which, surprisingly, is only 5 or 6
years from now.

So I looked up .bv, and of course... it's assigned to Bouvet Island, an
uninhabited island whose political superior says anything that might go in
that TLD will go in .no instead. [Wikipedia]

So, what's the actual status of .bv?  Assigned, or reserved?  And if it
is reserved at the 3166 secretariat level, can they reassign it?

NORID might try to make a case that BV is the common corporate abbreviation
in their political subdivision... but they're not selling those domains now,
so that doesn't seem compelling.

Anyone here got a buddy on the secretariat?  :-)

-- jra

All handling of ccTLDs are handled via the ccNSO of ICANN:

For example ccTLD retirement is a multi-year and perhaps multi-decade process:


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