Hello Job ,

On Tue, 5 Apr 2022, Job Snijders via NANOG wrote:


I think there clearly is an industry-wide trend to move away from
'unsigned plain-text non-authoritative' datasets, towards better sources
of truth such as the VRP data available through the RIR RPKI Trust

There are variances in how stakeholders implement this paradigm shift:
some operators move towards wholesale ignorance of non-auth databases
(like Tata); some operators use softer transition mechanisms (examples:
what RIPE NCC did in lieu of RIPE-731, or how IRRd v4 in its default
configuration magically makes RPKI-invalid IRR objects disappear).

I think all of us recognize a need to declaw "third party" IRR databases
like RADB and ALTDB ("declawing" meaning that it is not desirable that
anyone can just register *anything*); on the other hand our community
also has to be cognizant about there being parts of the Internet which
are not squatting on anyone's numbers *and* also are not contracted to a
specific RIR.
Kind regards,
Your final paragraph hits directly on my situation , That is as soon as I can get my small network connected again via hardline connections again .
        I am not a customer of ARIN except for one asn .
        I hold maintainership a couple of pre-arin /24's .

And until a (imo) reasonable contract with pre-arin holders can be created AND a reasonable fund dispersement calculation with HARD Set $ values assigned , I will not be a Arin customer except for my one little ASN . Which when I was assigned that resource was just $100/yr , Imo a reasonable cost . that cost has now only gone up 50% , Again somewhat reasonable cost , BUT that cost going UP is of concern to my meager financial status .

I am greatly exasperated that I am not hearing about Public versions of RPKi repositories in the veign of ALTDB .
        In other words a Publicly held and Volunteer based entity .

Blast I wish I had the financial witheral to back such an enterprise . If I did it would remain totally vounteer & a not for profit & I'd really like it to be Voluntarilly funded by the Community .

I ask the Community why someone or some entity IS not coming forward and doing so ?

                Sorry about the rambling .

        Twyl ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere    | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network & System Engineer  | 3237     Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
| j...@system-techniques.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |

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