Aloha NANOG,

What is the best practice (or peoples preferred methods) to
update/correct/maintain geolocation data?
Do most people start with description field info in route/route6 objects?

Also, thoughts and considerations on using IPv4 space from one RIR in
countries belonging to another RIR?

With IPv4 exhaustion and inter-RIR IPv4 transfers, and geolocation data, it
seems less applicable than it had been (a decade ago).  The IP's will be
used for CDN, not by end-users/subscribers.
Context: trying to work through an administrative "challenge" with LACNIC
regarding an IPv4 transfer, considering transferring to ARIN and then using
in LACNIC (then once resolved, transfer from ARIN to LACNIC).  Or just using
existing ARIN space in Brazil.
LACNIC is making things more difficult than they need to be.  I know this is
NANOG... but seeking advice, working on a global network, US HQ, currently
no active "registration" in LACNIC (except Brazil), but we operate in 5
countries in the region (data center/colo).  We would use Brazil, but very
hesitant to use their NIC (; LACNIC is saying we cannot maintain our
relationship with them using our Brazil organization (our only formal
subsidiary in the region).  LACNIC does not really define the "entity"
operating in their region well. We use our US entity with RIPE and APNIC,
simply showing documentation (contracts) that we operate in their region.
Maybe I am not using the magic word?

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