> The thing that is basically always true is that no commercial network is
> mixing cloud computing and eye ball users in the same blocks of IP
> addresses. I guess where this might be a grey area is Windows VMs on Azure
> where yes they are both eyeballs and potentially VPN users.

This is not true really. AWS and GCP both allow you to use your own RIR
allocated space in their infrastructure.

Fundamentally, trying to constantly map and update IPs to functions is just
not the right way to go about things. Yes, tons of applications do it, but
it's really not a good idea, and only leads to problems like this.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 9:27 AM Drew Weaver <drew.wea...@thenap.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I had a user complain to me this morning about something called
> “DoubleCounter” which I guess is a Discord bot that supposedly identifies
> who is a “real person” and who is a “bot” or a “vpn”.
> While some part of any commercial network could potentially be “cloud
> computing” and as such could be used for a VPN, other parts of the network
> obviously aren’t and are eyeballs.
> The thing that is basically always true is that no commercial network is
> mixing cloud computing and eye ball users in the same blocks of IP
> addresses. I guess where this might be a grey area is Windows VMs on Azure
> where yes they are both eyeballs and potentially VPN users.
> So is there a central place where we’re supposed to register what specific
> subnets are used for so that these services can pull from that?
> It seems like every day a new one of these “verification” services pops up
> and having to deal with each one of them individually is becoming a
> challenge.
> I know Google has a feature where you can just drop a txt file to
> influence their Geolocation which seems to work well.
> Let me know if you are aware of anything like this?
> -Drew

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