Argus and the Argus Clients have quite a bit to offer in this line and they are 
open source. Check  for the GitHub information.


> On Aug 10, 2022, at 7:37 AM, Peter Phaal <> wrote:
> Sounds like an interesting project. You might want to take a look at 
> sflowtool to get started. The following article shows how to use sflowtool to 
> decode sFlow datagrams and includes a simple Python script matching IP 
> addresses against a known threat database.
> <>
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 7:19 AM Drew Weaver < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in getting involved with an open source project in my spare 
> time.
> I thought that it may be useful to contribute to an open source project that 
> uses flow data to check for lateral movement inside of networks and also to 
> check for known bads in remote connections.
> This seems like really low hanging fruit from a defense scenario.
> I’ve tried googling around for something like this and I have come up short.
> Is anyone aware of any such projects?
> Thanks,
> -Drew

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