In no way is what I said wrong. Incumbent operators (coax or copper pairs) 
screw things up constantly (whether technically or in the business side of 
things), prompting a sea of independent operators to overbuild them (or fill in 
where they haven't). I was responding specifically to what Eric said, "I wish 
that the people running the networks at residential last mile operators with 
many hundreds of thousands up to dozens of millions of CPEs would push back 
against efforts from executives/management to participate in this race to the 
bottom of cost and network quality." 

I don't mean non-RBOC ILECs. I mean WISPs, regional fiber operators, Bob from 
down the street that retired and built a fiber company to serve his small town. 
I mean companies with less than 10,000 customers and are younger than 20 years. 
There are literally thousands of them in the US and they're only getting more 
formidable in the face of lousy incumbents. 

Oh, and I just noticed that spell check moved me away from condescension, 
rather than closer to it. Oops. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Masataka Ohta" <> 
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 8:27:07 AM 
Subject: Re: Spectrum (legacy TWC) Infrastructure - Contact Off List 

Mike Hammett wrote: 

> Where did you think that condensation was going to get you in 
> this conversation? 

I was involved in this thread because of your totally wrong 
statement of: 

: I selfishly hope they don't because that's where independent 
: operators will succeed. ;-) 

First of all, "Spectrum (legacy TWC)" is not a small company. 

Moreover, as is stated in wikipedia that: 

> Various regional independents also held incumbent monopolies 
> in their respective regions. 

many independent operators are keep succeeding for 100+ years 
not because they unreasonably cut maintenance cost but because 
they have archived regional monopoly. 

Masataka Ohta 

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