software platform   : Broadband Network Platform Software
software version    : GPON CASSETTE OLT V100R001B01D001P008SP6
copyright           : Copyright (C) 2001-2017
compiled time       : Apr 10 2018 09:00:00
processor           : CORTEX-A9 MP, 1GHz
SDRAM(bytes)        : 1G
flash memory(bytes) : 32M
MAC address         : 00:0a:5a:94:1e:de
product serial no.  : 0122003400121807010008001
hardware version    : V1.0
bootrom version     : V2.1
EPLD version        : V1.1

Anyone familiar with this?

can I put all Gpon ports on untagged vlan 60? only have CLI access, GUI is not 
working either.


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