Hi Mark,

Are there any high level operational details you could share?

Specifically, are you using any commercial/OSS software to handle the (automated?) periodic key roll overs?

Are you using bind? Do you have any experience or suggestions on what version to start with?

Given that phase 3 is still a work in progress - do you anticipate giving ARIN members an automated/scripted way to submit their delegation records?

- Dan

Mark Kosters wrote:

ARIN is now signing the /8 zones that it is authoritative for (eg
192.in-addr.arpa, etc).

This the phase two of a three-phase process. Given that in-addr.arpa is
not yet signed, we have published a list of trust anchors that you can
download to configure on your local recursive resolvers.

Additional details are at http://www.arin.net/about_us/dnssec/

Mark Kosters

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