Hi Brielle.

Do they take two weeks to put a spammer on the list?



    John Souvestre - New Orleans LA

 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Brielle Bruns [mailto:br...@2mbit.com]
 > Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:12 PM
 > To: nanog@nanog.org
 > Subject: Re: Can someone from SORBS contact me offlist?
 > On 7/11/09 11:05 AM, Ronald Cotoni wrote:
 > > Yes, they are really bad.  It is actually quite silly that a blacklisting
 > > service is that slow on responding to problems.
 > I find it unacceptable that people demand instant service from a company
 > they don't have prior business arrangements/relationship with.  Average
 > turn around time for the AHBL is around two weeks if we don't have an
 > established contact and procedure with.
 > How would you like it if a non-customer came to you demanding resolution
 > to a problem with a free service you provide?  Would you drop
 > everything, and give that non-customer the same service you give a
 > paying customer?
 > --
 > Brielle Bruns
 > The Summit Open Source Development Group
 > http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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