On Oct 12, 2009, at 9:40 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:

Marco Hogewoning wrote:
As this thread has drifted off topic any way, would it for instance be a
good idea to simply not accept mail from hosts that clearly use
autoconfig ie reject all smtp from EUI-64 addresses

Can you please *NOT* suggest people *STUPID* ideas like filtering on
arbitrary bits inside an address!? Thank you.

I was just testing out how others feel about this...

(Who indeed is not calling Marco stupid, as he is one of those people
who is not stupid, he sometimes just has a wrong idea, just like me ;)

Just testing the waters, the solution you suggested is more practical but you know as well as i do that there are those people out there who just filter out any inetnum object which matches *dsl* or *dhcp* which is about the same.


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