On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, William Pitcock wrote:
What I mean is: why can't anyone contribute valuable information to the
security community?  It is next to impossible to meet so-called 'trusted
people' if you're new to the game, which is counter-productive.

How do I break into show business?

Is your goal to contribute valuable information to the security community?

Or is your goal to become a security "celebrity" and hang out with the "trusted people?"

Anyone can contribute valuable information to the security community. There are many channels to achieve this. If in fact your contributions are valuable, you will probably find the security community trying to
become your buddy.

If instead your goal is to become security "celebrity" hanging out with "trusted people"; that's different. Annoying the people you want to
hang out with by sending e-mails to their personal addresses, and
generally making a fool out of yourself is probably not going to help
achieve your goal.

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