On 06/05/10 21:27, Zaid Ali wrote:
I agree Safari experience looks much nicer and yes whole host of potential
malice to arise. Firefox shows punycode


Now if I understood arabic only and was travelling or happen to use Firefox
which showed punycode how would I trust it? If it was directly translated to
latin characters I could trust it with verification from someone I know who
understands english. I would not trust puny code because an end user does
not know what it means, I think there is potential for a lot of issues here.


This is indeed a security issue, and the behaviour in Firefox is currently that way by design.

To fix it, the .eg / .xn--4gbrim TLD registrar needs to contact the Mozilla Foundation in order to inform the Foundation of their official IDN name allocation policy, so that the native-script URL display can then be switched on for their domain.

See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=564213 and http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/tld-idn-policy-list.html

-- Neil

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