Looks like all the replies I got were private, so thanks all - to summarize, I 
got everything from "Read The Fine Kernel Source" to "Read The Fine RFC" to 
"Read RFC 1122, Section, it's quite a Fine read". 

So for other folks out there like me who obviously can't read RFCs, the answer 
is "yes". :)


On Jun 16, 2010, at 3:57 51PM, Chris Woodfield wrote:

> OK, this sounds Really Wacky (or, Really Hacky if you're into puns) but 
> there's a reason for it, I swear...
> Will typical OSS UNIX kernels (Linux, BSD, MacOS X, etc) reply to a crafted 
> ARP request that, instead of having FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF as its destination MAC 
> address, is instead sent to the already-known unicast MAC address of the 
> host? 
> Next, what would be your utility of choice for crafting such a packet? Or is 
> this something one would need to code up by hand in a lower-level language?
> Thanks,
> -C

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