On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 6:54 PM, Scott Leibrand <scottleibr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu 6/24/2010 7:14 AM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
>> Amusingly, this was sent to me *after* I replied to ab...@internap
>> complaining about getting spammed.
> If anyone else gets any unwanted contact from us, please let me know and
> I'll make sure it's taken care of.

Just my tinfoil-coated 2 cents:

I tend to assume that when I get an email allegedly from Company A
(Internap) but actually sent by Company/Domain B (iContact), inviting
me to enter all kinds of sensitive information about my organisation's
operations into a "survey" hosted at Domain C (Zoomerang), in return
for which I may win a Dell laptop (but only if I give full
identity-theft-enabling details about myself), then I'm being socially
engineered by a Bad Guy, and I just press "delete".

I do this, even when Company A is a big well-known company (e.g. Sun
... it's happened) or an industry magazine (e.g. Secure Computing ..
ditto), cos lets face it .. who needs a Dell laptop anyway ;)

I urge everyone else to just do the same (at the very least it may
help to eliminate UCE merchants from the world).

Leave the Olympics in Greece, where they belong.

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