On Aug 13, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
>> How come ARIN has any say at all if A wants to sell and B wants to
>> buy? Trying to fend off the imaginary monopolistic hobgoblin?
> self-justification for arin's existence, flying people around to lotso
> meetings, fancy hotels, ...
> at the rirs, income and control are more important than the health and
> growth of the internet.  basically, the rirs are another case of seemed
> like a good idea at the time.

Vadim - We'll run the database anyway you (collectively) want us to... 
what policy would you prefer, and can you submit it as a proposal?

(and to answer Randy - the only control over the administration is based 
on the policies adopted.  Reduce the corpus of applicable policy if that
is your desire.)


John Curran
President and CEO

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