In message <>,
John Curran <> wrote:

>On Oct 3, 2010, at 5:15 AM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
>> Is that a "Yes, ARIN will begin immeditely putting these annotations into
>> all of the AS and IP records associated with POCs we already know are
>> uncontactable" ?
>That's a "No".
>I'd say "Yes" to "Is ARIN is implementing the policy at NRPM 3.6,
>Annual Whois POC Validation?"

Congratulations John.  That's just about the best non-answer I've ever

I'm sitting here looking at your NRPM 3.6 and it says:

   Unresponsive POC email addresses shall be marked as such in the database.

OK, Fine.  So do you have a problem with ``marking those in the data base''
and specifically within the associated AS and IP block records?  And if so why?

And if you have a problem with that, they please explain when and why you
suddenly developed a problem with it, because clearly ARIN _was_ doing this
before, at some point. (And it sure looks like you are NOT doing it now.)

I'd really like to know when and why ARIN stopped putting these annotations
into the AS and IP block records associated with un-contactable POCs.

Can you just answer me that?  I mean, you know, without directing my
attention to some document which also doesn't answer the question?


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