On Oct 18, 2010, at 8:16 PM, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

> sth...@nethelp.no writes:
>> I still haven't seen any good argument for why residential users need
>> /48s. No, I don't think "that makes all the address assignments the
>> same size" is a particularly relevant or convincing argument.
>> We're doing /56 for residential users, and have no plans to change
>> this.
> If we were to give a /48 to every human on the face of the planet, we
> would use about .000025 of the total available IPv6 address space.
> You are to be commended for your leadership in conserving space.  Our
> children will surely be grateful that thanks to your efforts they have
> 99.99999% of IPv6 space left to work with rather than the paltry
> 99.9975% that might have been their inheritance were it not for your
> efforts.  Bravo!

It makes a bigger difference if everyone starts using 6RD - to give out a /48 
requires a  /16, and the number of /16s is by no means approximately infinite. 


> -r

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