In message <>, Owen DeLong write
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> > On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 10:10 +1100, Skeeve Stevens wrote:
> >> Where does the 6K come from?
> >> 
> >> AUD$4,175 is the amount - It consists of the "Associate Member
> >> Fee" (AUD 675) and the IP Resource Application Fee (AUD 3,500)
> >> 
> >> Then AUD1180 for a /48 each year.
> > 
> > Er - apologies. Yes, the initial fee covers the first year's annual fee,
> > so it's $4175 in the first year ans $1100 in subsequent years.
> > 
> > The point still stands though - that's WAY too much for home users.
> > 
> > While for Owen such costs might be doable, for the vast majority of home
> > users in the AP region the only viable alternatives for internal
> > addressing will be PA or ULA.
> > 
> This is NANOG. To the best of my knowledge, no part of the NA in NANOG
> is in the APNIC service area.
> ARIN pricing is significantly better at US$100/year for ALL end-user
> resources, so, only the $1250 up-front fee would apply and apparently
> the partial fee-waiver for that is still in effect if your previous posting
> was correct.

Which is still too expensive for the home user.

> > Even with the lower costs that ARIN users pay, the prices are still IMHO
> > too high for home users to be using PI in any significant numbers.
> > 
> Really? $100/year is too much? Really? I guess that depends on whether
> you think addresses are worth more than coffee. ;-)

$100/year for a address block that nobody will route and requires someone
to setup the address selection rules compared to a ULA at $0 that the OS
vendors will make work well by default.

> Owen
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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