On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 01:36:08PM -0500, Jeff Wheeler said:
  >A read through this New York Times article on derivatives clearing,
  >and the exclusivity that big banks seek to maintain, would look very
  >much like an article on large-scale peering, to someone who is not
  >expert in both topics.  The transit-free club and the "derivatives
  >dealers club" may have other similarities in the future, and it's
  >worth watching how further government regulation develops in this
  >area.  It may lead to insight into how government might eventually
  >regulate ISPs seeking to become settlement-free.


dont think so. 'cyber' is a panicword, results in way different regulations. 

also, the top player's influences through backchannels on the regulation 
process would be
vastly different in those two industries.

Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca - +1 416 897 6284 - Toronto CANADA
Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front 
St. W.

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