On Thu, 23 Dec 2010, Jinwha Chung wrote:

From the datasheet, the other one can support point-to-point connection up
to 80km using this DCU. Dispersion compensating unit.

I’ve talked about this configuration with people and no one would
recommend those kind of things.

There is nothing saying this won't work. I'd gladly implement this (if you by this mean the DPSK or dunobinary cards with g.709).

The advantage of this is that you get FEC and can see what margin you have until the link starts to give post-FEC errors.

Personally, I prefer 10G Ethernet with XENPAK ZR optics.

If dark fiber is available, this is much much cheaper, but then you have to load balance and the customer traffic might not be possible to load balance properly on 4x10GE, but if it is, this is definitely a viable option.

Middle ground would be the 4 port 10GE g.709 card with FEC if you really feel you need indications of error rate constantly. It's cheaper than the 40G card, but most likely more expensive than a 4 port 10GE card with ZR optics.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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