In a message written on Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 11:54:15AM -0400, Marshall Eubanks 
> About half of the existing cables running across the Pacific are damaged ...

If you have a broad view of damaged, this may be plausable.  Remember
that "damaged" does not mean traffic impacting in all cases, for

- one side of a redundant cable impacted, so no down time to actual
  traffic on 1+1 circuits.

- Landing station in Japan has damage, or even simply no power and
  is running on generator.  So perhaps all services are up, but
  it's now got to be kept fueled, and/or physical damage may require
  repairs in the near future.

Due to great circle routing distances a lot of pacific cables go near
Japan or have Japanese landing sites on their northern paths, even if
going further south.

I would like to see some more specific data about the types of damage to
the cables, and expected time to repair.

       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
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