----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Herbert" <john.herb...@usc-bt.com>

> No issues connecting to FB for me on IPv6 (both to www.v6.facebook.com
> and to the AAAA returned by www.facebook.com now).
> Interesting (perhaps) side note - www.facebook.com has a AAAA, but
> "facebook.com" does not.

And "thefacebook.com"?  :-)

-- jr 'Yes; that's operational. How many obscure aliases do *you* have?' a
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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