Thanks.  That's a bit more what I want than the other two plugins I use
(which just tell me is that FQDN has a AAAA), but as you pointed out, ipvfoo
doesn't give an indication of how much of that page is v4 or v6.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jima [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for tw telecom folk to resolve IPv6 access to their

On 2011-07-02 12:40, Frank Bulk wrote:
> I'd like to see someone develop a plugin that had some kind of
> style display of what percentage of the page and its elements (in bytes)
> were obtained via v4 versus v6.

  Using Chrome's dev channel (14.x), you can use experimental APIs and 
ipvfoo to see what IP protocols were used to reach the server for a page 
and its components:

  It's got a couple bugs (something to do with cached entries, I haven't 
quite puzzled it out), but it's evidently more telling than Firefox+ShowIP.
  AFAIK there's no byte counters or correlation between IPs and the 
elements that were fetched from them.


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