On Oct 13, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Christopher Morrow wrote:

> It's possible that the 'encryption' comment from Jamie is really about
> encrypting the actual device... which I believe Android[0] will do, I
> don't know if idevices do though.

I think the big problem is that rev1 of iDevice did not include on-device 
crypto, and there was a case where they also 'lied' about their crypto 
capability to the servers.

Rebuilding this trust can take some time.  I do expect that with the iMessage 
stuff that was released yesterday (SMS/MMSoIP to email/phone#) many more 
companies will shift to using that instead as the value of BBM is decreased.

I also wonder what the impact of iMessage and others will be on places like 
hotel networks as the devices camp out longer/more often on the wifi, etc.  We 
observed the impact to a hotel of the NANOG crowd this week (i wonder if there 
will be lessons learned on the part of lodgenet, etc?)

I know personally I've observed the attwifi ssid expanding to more places 
(including hilton branded properties) in the past 6 months to offload cellular 

- Jared

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