On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 12:27 PM, A. Pishdadi <apishd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> i have been looking for quite some time now a descent coder (c,php) who has

Just a practical comment here; part of your problem may be offering c
and php together. I don't want to start a war, but I know that at the
very least all the c programmers I know would considered php to be ...
"horribly offensive". So, maybe seperating out these two roles (c and
php programming) will help you.

It is definitely true (speaking as a programmer, C# for several years)
that seeing +PHP would instantly turn me off. Further, I'm sure that
almost anyone who is still programming in c these days would have the
level of networking knowledge you care about (and can train on top

> a descent amount of system admin / netadmin experience. Doesn't necessarily
> need to be an expert at network engineering but being acclimated in
> understanding the basic fundamentals of networking. Understanding basic
> routing concepts, how to diagnose using tcpdump / pcap, understanding
> subnetting and how bgp works (not necessarily setting up bgp). I've posted
> job listings on the likes of dice and monster and have not found any good
> canidates, most of them ASP / Java guys.
> If anyone can point me to a site they might recommend for job postings or
> know of any consulting firms that might provide these services that would
> be greatly appreciated.

Noon Silk

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