On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:20 PM, <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> It may not be the codec that sucks...

Yeah, it is.  Sit on hold with some music that is at a low volume and
you'll hear part that turn into white noise at times.  Mobile operators us
codecs that are tuned for human voice.  Get sounds away from voice and they
turn to mush.  Back in a past life when I was a broadcast engineer we would
use dial-up lines for remotes.  If the remote was in the same CO and it was
an analog (mechanical) office we could get 8-10kHz audio through a pair,
and flat if we used a bit of equalization.  S/N was good enough to play
records for an AM station.  Of course, now in the day of cell phones the
term "broadcast quality" has lost all meaning. Field reporters using cell
phones for live broadcast!  There is a reason that the FCC set aside 30kHz
channels for electronic news gathering (ENG.)  At least some stations still
order up ISDN lines for remotes.

Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 360-474-7474

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