On May 22, 2012 4:00 PM, "Paul Porter" <paul.por...@gree.co.jp> wrote:
> I'm looking for some information on the four largest US mobile phone
> carriers and the current state of their IPv6 infrastructure. Specifically,
> we are trying to figure out:
> 1.  How much of the carrier core and edge for AT&T, Verizon. T-Mobile, and
> Sprint are on IPv6 now?


T-Mobile USA has native ipv6 to all subscribers in all of it's coverage
area. But, less than 1% of subscribers use IPv6 because they do not have an
IPv6 capable phone. The Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus work well.

This device challenge will improve in time.  Samsung is doing a good job of
bringing IPv6 to Android devices. More info here

> 2.  If, and how, are they handling NAT64 for native IPv6 edge devices?

Yes, NAT64 / DNS64 is used in the case of reaching ipv4-only nodes.  If you
are concerned about middleboxs, you should deploy IPv6.

> 3. What is the percentage of breakdown for users on native IPv6? Dual
> stacked?

Small today. As IPv6 becomes the default setting, that will change.


> GREE is a mobile social gaming company and we're trying to better
> understand what lies between our customer's smart phones and our servers.
> My next step will be to reach out to the carriers themselves, but I
> many of their Network Engineers are probably on the NANOG mailing list and
> this would be a great place to start.
> Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
> Sincerely,
> - Paul Porter
> --
> *Paul G. Porter
> *GREE International | Network Engineer
> E-mail: paul.por...@gree.net
> Mobile: (510) 371-1147
> Twitter: paul_g_porter

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