
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:01 PM, Anurag Bhatia <m...@anuragbhatia.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I have been aggressively looking for deals in servers in Europe for
> anycasting.

If you're looking for stuff in "Europe" (I'm assuming Western European
EU member states, rather than states bordering Russia or the Middle
East) one place you may wish to try is UKNOF (http://www.uknof.org.uk)
they have the UK equivalent of the NANOG mailing list, so will be able
to help you more with UK (and their neighbours) specific questions;
it's a different market there remember - "industry standards" are

The UK and Ireland are also pretty good places geographically for
server locations, with lots of fat pipes to mainland Europe and across
the Atlantic to North America; there is a reason people like Amazon
put their data centers there.



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