On 18-Jul-12 08:48, Saku Ytti wrote:
> On (2012-07-18 08:37 -0500), Stephen Sprunk wrote:
>> There is no need for [RFC2777 verifiability], since your failure to use a 
>> good source of randomness hurts nobody except yourself.
> I think you're making fact out of opinion. Maybe SP is generating ULAs for 
> their customers.

Why would they do that?  SPs should only be assigning (and routing) GUAs.

ULAs are for /local/ use within the customer site, so customers can and
should generate their own locally.  An SP should never see those
addresses and can safely ignore their existence, aside from a generic
filter on the entire ULA range.

> Maybe this is not practical enough concern, but I'm wondering, what is the 
> downside? What is the benefit of recommending method which is not
> testable/provable.

Those were not considered requirements for the algorithm in RFC 4193
since there is no scenario /where RFC 4193 addresses are a valid
solution in the first place/ for which testability or provability of the
algorithm's results are important or even useful.


Stephen Sprunk         "God does not play dice."  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723         "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS        dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

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