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-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Hilliard [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Testing 1gbps bandwidth

On 14/08/2012 15:43, wrote:
> case trying to use one of the servers - we had a clear 
> 10G path out through like 3 AS's in a row, the bottleneck was 
>'s server. :)

you'll have to forgive me for being the cynical type, but I gave up on 
Speedtest the day they reported 146Mbit/sec download over a link which was 
hard-wired to 100Mbit/sec full duplex, and later that day they reported 2Mbit 
from another nearby server to the same box.  I figured a stddev of 2 orders of 
magnitude wasn't going to give me figures accurate enough for my requirements.

But hey, this is the Internet: ymmv, ianal, lolwut, bbq.


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